theHORN is a new website dedicated to White Bear Lake and White Bear Lake sports! Built by White Bear Lake Area High School junior Zach Halverson with content from other talented high school individuals, theHORN is your new destination for everything White Bear Lake!
LIVE Streaming Schedule
Boys LacrosseThe CHalvy Show is on theHORN! Join hosts Zach Halverson and Chad Olson as they discuss topics ranging from White Bear Lake sports to professional sports! Follow Zach Halverson on Twitter @ZachHalverson and Chad Olson @Mnsports24
Join theHORN!Are you a high school student at White Bear Lake looking to add to your resume and have a lot of fun doing it? theHORN is for you! theHORN is looking for talented students in graphic design, photography, television, radio, journalism, and people with a passion for news and sports media.
Let your voice be heard on theHORN! Have you ever wanted to host your own radio show? Now you can! Talk about anything you want from news to sports to music to movies, whatever your interests are your show is welcome on theHORN!
Looking to become a journalist? theHORN is looking for people to write about White Bear Lake and White Bear Lake Sports. This could be a great opportunity for those who want to expand their writing skills and benefit from an audience at the same time.
Do you take photos? If you are an aspiring photographer and want your pictures to be seen, consider joining theHORN crew. Take photos of anything White Bear Lake, from Cup and Cone to the Gazebo or of course the many great sporting events in the area!
Click here for more information!